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Ad un anno da “A Dawn To Fear” i Cult Of Luna tornano a farsi sentire e lo fanno annunciando il loro nuovo album intitolato “The Raging River” che verrà pubblicato  da Red Creek Recordings.

La sorpresa è che in uno dei brani ci sarà nientemeno che Mark Lanegan. Nel comunicato si legge che:

“The Raging river” feels more like a bridge. A midpoint that needs to be crossed so we can finish what we started with “A dawn to fear”. It’s a seamless continuation of the writing process and the creative mindset that has guided us for the last couple of years.
It’s been an interesting as well as an introspective way of working, having our instinct leading the way and then having to figure out where it takes us. But not only has it been a linear journey, some aspects of it is clearly circular. We have been a fan of Mark Lanegan for many years. So in 2005 when we wrote the song “And with her came the birds” we had his voice in mind and the working title was “The Lanegan song”. But we were not many years over 20 and our lack of self-confidence prevented us from even daring to ask. It took fifteen years for us to get the guts to ask him. Hearing his voice on “Inside of a dream” is nothing more than feeling that we’re inside of a dream.

CULT OF LUNA è presentato in Italia da HARD STAFF

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