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Con calma arrivano tutte le informazioni riguardanti “Fossora“, il nuovo album di Björk. Oggi ad esempio l’artista islandese ha condiviso copertina e tutte i credits dell’album, inclusa la data di uscita di quest’ultimo,

Di seguito trovate il post contenente tutti i dettagli e il commento al disco seguito da copertina e dalla tracklist completa:

each album always starts with a feeling 
that i try to shape into sound
this time around
the feeling was landing
( after my last album utopia which was all island in the clouds element air and no bass )
on the earth and digging my feet into the ground
it was also woven into how i experienced the “now”
this time around 7 billion of us did it together
nesting in our homes quarantining 
being long enough in one place that we shot down roots 
my new album “fossora” is about that 
it is a word i made up 
it is the feminine of fossore ( digger, delver, ditcher )
so in short it means “she who digs” ( into the ground ) 
so sonically it is about bass , heavy bottom-end , 
we have 6 bass clarinets and punchy sub 
i would like to especially thank bergur þórisson and heba kadry 
side project , el guincho , hamrahlíð choir , soraya nayyar , clarinet sextet murmuri , siggi string quartet ensemble , emilie nicolas , serpentwithfeet
viibra and last but not least : sindri and dóa .
visuals were made by viðar logi , james merry , m/m , nick knight , andy huang , edda , isshehungry , tomi , sayaka , sunna , sara and heimir 
and my ever so loyal and magnificent team : derek , rosamary , catherine , chiara , hilma and móa 

cover creative direction : Björk , James Merry
photography / direction : Vidar Logi
dress and gloves : Jisoo
stockings : Gucci
stylist : edda gudmundsdottir 
makeup : sunna björk erlingsdottir
neckpiece , shoes , ring : James Merry
hair stylist : tomihiro kono
hair colour effect on wig : sayaka maruyama
album cover shoot producer : sara nassim
production designer : heimir sverrisson , irma studio
cgi photography and still retouching : studio private
design , typography and digital fungi : M/M (Paris)
assistance : jón guðrún-carlosson


BJORK è presentato in Italia da LIVE NATION

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