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've decided to do this review as I listen to the record, like a live-blog. Wanted to keep it super real that way, cause Christian Scott is just so goddamn real too, Let's do this! So the album kicks off with Christian just rippin' a solo, and he's in deep from the first beat of the song…no need for foreplay, Christian knows what you're here for. He knows you don't give a shit about a melody so he's not gonna waste your time playing one. He's Christian fuckin' Scott, and you're here to listen to him blow his favorite trumpet lick over and over, so that's what he's gonna give you. Now that drummer is just hitting whatever cymbals and shit he's got! I wanna rock!…oh wait.. now everyone suddenly stopped… just the guitar player alone now, figuring out what chords he knows that he's probably gonna use later in the song, he's going through thinking "Okay, got that one, and this other chord I could use, check" ..everyone is just kinda letting him have a second to figure it out aaaaaaAND they're rocking again!!…I'm so amped up now I'm moshing in my apartment! I just punched a hole in the wall ARRRRRGGG!! Someone get me a GODDAMN Beer!! I slam it and crush the can against my forehead! Christian playing his favorite lick again!! Give it to me brother! Now they transition to some sort of other section…still no sign of a melody, cause fuck it, who needs that!? Rip me some more trumpet!! Where's that lick at??


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