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Live Bands

Escape-ism AKA Ian Svenonius (ex Make-up, Nation of Ulysses, Weird War)

Scopri tutto su escape-ism aka ian svenonius (ex make-up, nation of ulysses, weird war), concerti, eventi, news e molto altro!

Escape-ism is called "the found-sound-dream-drama," "the grieving widow of rock 'n' roll" , the "press play and run away group", the strrrripped down sound machine starring Ian Svenonius, star of Chain
& the Gang, singer in The Make Up, author of 'Supernatural Strategies for Making a Rock 'n' Roll Group.” Its a single occupancy combo, a one banana bunch, the gestural rock 'n' roll provocation
which combines cave person poetry with beats and melody translated incorrectly from hieroglyphs found in arch-pharaoh Cheops' triangle shaped record collection. Escape-ism is a bid at inciting longing
for a past behind an IRON CURTAIN, and hope for a future in flames. Escape-ism -- hear it, fear it, cheer it.”

Escape-ism AKA Ian Svenonius (ex Make-up, Nation of Ulysses, Weird War) è presentato in Italia da PENTAGON BOOKING

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Tutti gli eventi per escape-ism aka ian svenonius (ex make-up, nation of ulysses, weird war)

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