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Scopri tutto su kinga glyk, concerti, eventi, news e molto altro!

Kinga Głyk is the only 19 years old bass player in Poland who is the leader of a jazz-­blues-funk band.
She has gained recognition for her debut album 'Rejestracja' ('Registration').
Adam Makowicz a world­famous pianist said the following words about her:
 'Her music skills have already enabled her to go down in the history of Polish jazz music.'
In 2015 she has been nominated by JAZZ TOP and BLUES TOP, both are Polish music surveys, in the following categories: 'Nowa Nadzieja' ('New Hope'), 'Gitara Basowa' ('Bass Guitar'), and 'Odkrycie Roku' ('Discovery of the Year').
In 2016 Kinga recorded her second album LIVE entitled 'Happy Birthday.'

KINGA GLYK è presentato in Italia da SAUDADES TOURNEEN

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