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Scopri i concerti in italia e in europa Milano - Bologna - Roma - Palermo - Torino - Genova - Parma - Assago - Venaria Reale - Pesaro - Bury Saint Edmunds - Berlin - Munich - Rüsselsheim - Karlsruhe

Live Bands


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You can't swing a dead cat these days without hitting a doom or sludge band. It's nice that the genre is finally seeing its hay day and working its way into the cracks of every other genre but there always comes a point of genre saturation. And you know the point was probably reached when it's hinted that Billy Corgan may be working on a doom project. Though genre saturation usually means staleness, there's always going to be those bands that walk into it with a natural grace. Along with a shit load of PCP and Semtex.

MONOLORD è presentato in Italia da Doomstar Bookings

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