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"Mother's Children is what you'd get if you force fed the Bay City Rollers testosterone. It's what'd happen if you told the Rolling Stones to sound more like the Boys. Or if you switched Marc Bolan's pills and wine with cigarettes and beer. I bet if some tough little leather jacket wearing seventh grade loner from 30 years ago spat his bubblegum into the gravel of the schoolyard baseball diamond and stamped it into a flat, seven inch disc with his cowboy boots, it'd sound like this 45 when you put a needle to it." -Standard Issue

"Great glam-influenced punk rock from that other America where the nice folk live way, way up north. A dose of power pop and 60s Brit invasion mixed with a healthy helping of THE JOOK, THE SWEET, and THE INCREDIBLE KIDDA BAND, to name a few. It's brief but sure leaves its mark, and like all great records makes me thump the rickety tables of MRR demanding more. Hard glam at its best." -Maximumrocknroll

MOTHER'S CHILDREN è presentato in Italia da OTIS TOURS

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