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SIMON CHAINSAW. Australian by birth and firmly rooted in the Aussie Punk meets Rock tradition of Saints, Radio Birdman and early AC/DC. But it doesn’t stop there,  Simon draws on brash influences like Social Distortion, Stooges, Pistols, Motorhead  & CBGBs style punk mixed with the dirty melody of Husker Du, and the Replacements.
In a nutshell: HIGH ENERGY ROCK'N'ROLL!!
SIMON has spent the last 15 years serving up his unique brand of rock’n’roll, playing and recording all over the world. He has released 5 CDs, a 4 CD box set (material exclusive to the box set, not rehashed), a BEST OF/RETROSPECTIVE - “Eight Times Lucky”, and two 7” Vinyl EP discs.
*This will be SIMON CHAINSAW'S 5th European tour... and in the last few years he has also done yearly or twice yearly tours in Brazil and Argentina plus a jaunt or 2 in Australia. 
*In 2014 Simon released his latest album on Vinyl and CD (his 11th album!). 
12 ballbusters in true Chainsaw tradition.  Containing all the rock, hooks, melody (and sometimes even humour) that he's known for…. From all reports it's Simon's best album to date!... Released with split release deals in France, Germany, Argentina, Brazil, and Australia.
*2015 is ending up a pretty good year… Simon already toured in Argentina earlier this year, along with sporadic shows in home country Brazil and will finish the year with a 15 date South American tour!  
*2 new EPs are in the works... DON'T KILL ROCK'N'ROLL 7" (alt. mix + 3 non LP tracks) and DRESSED TO THRILL 4 all new rockers!!  Planned release in Europe early 2016.  
*"PLAY LOUD... GO DEAF FASTER", a compilation of Simons 4 Eps will be released in Argentina on CASSETTE later this year and on CD in 2016 in Australia, Europe, Brazil and Argentina
*2016 looks to start off well with the planned CD + EP releases, shows in Australia in January and a European tour in April/May. 
*2016 will continue with a return to Brazil and Argentina and plans for West Coast USA are already on the drawingboard.

SIMON CHAINSAW è presentato in Italia da CORNER SOUL

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