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Live Bands

The 357 Strings Band

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The 357 String Band hail from Milwaukee, Wisconsin andtheir music can be described as 'bluegrass with an attitude'or as they call it themselves 'amphetamine-fueled mountainmusic'. Soon their music will be known simply as .357 StringBand Music, because they can't be compared to anything oranyone else. These long haired guys with lots of tattooswill surprise you in a big way, we can assure you that.Great songs, well played, true to the rich American musictradition but at the same time adventurous and modern. Trueoriginals and true revolutionaries, even better than theirfriends The Hackensaw Boys and Th' Legendary Shack Shakers(whose leader JD Wilkes co-produced Ghost Town).Hearing is believing so words really can't do them justice.Music writer Lane Klozier nevertheless tried to pin themdown in Maximum Ink Magazine. "If Hank Williams were alivetoday, he would probably listen to punk (like his grandsondoes), flirt with the idea of readily available street-drugsand be a big fan of the hillbilly/punk/Americana ofMilwaukee's .357 String Band. An obvious punk influencedriven by banjo, fiddle and mandolin creates a sound thatthey like to call amphetamine-fueled mountain music. Thebest thing about these guys is their live show. Hoe-downmeets throw-down in an all-out frenzy that matches upagainst any snake worshipping Christian revival tent showever staged to spook an audience into a glazed-eye state ofeuphoria. Slip on yer boots and wash out your wife beaterT-shirt." Later this year they will visit Europe so we allcan check it out. Till that time we listen incessantly toGhost Town, a classic in the making by Jayke Orvis(mandolin, vocals, spoons, washboard), Joe Huber (banjo,vocals), Derek Dunn (guitar, vocals) and Rick Ness (uprightbass).'Rather be hated for what we are than loved for what weain't' they write on the cover of Ghost Town. And that's agreat motto to live by. ...

The 357 Strings Band è presentato in Italia da OTIS TOURS

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