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Scopri tutto su the cute lepers, concerti, eventi, news e molto altro!

The Cute Lepers are a six/seven piece band from Seattle, WA equally influenced by first wave punk, mod-revival, power pop, and a soft spot in our hearts for Johnny Thunders... oh yeah, with occasional hints of doo-wop, early 60's rock'n'roll and a load of female back-up vocals. After a couple sold out singles and lengthy tours of the United States and Europe, in the summer of 2008 our debut album "Can't Stand Modern Music" was released on Damaged Goods in the U.K. and europe. Here in the states Blackheart Records (yeah... the label Joan Jett started up a few decades ago!) picked up the record and is handling it for the US and rest of the world aside from EU/UK. We don't stay home for long so look out for us touring the US and Europe a few times a year supporting the latest 7" or album. We don't make much money at this, hence we're likely malnourished when you see us... sandwiches are nice! Or even better, canned food mailed to us! If you wanna contribute we'll give you Kicks' address. Hey, buy our record too. It's good!

THE CUTE LEPERS è presentato in Italia da OTIS TOURS

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