Da Portland, Oregon, THE HOSPITALS, l'assault duo più selvaggio e devastante della mitica IN THE RED Rec. (ex membri dei Coachwhips - Narnack Rec.- e Pink & Brown - Toyo Rec., Load Rec., 5 Rue Christine Rec.), fondono nel loro insano rock'n'roll i latrati di Alan Vega con l'irruenza blues dei Pussy Galore. Drummer / vocalist Adam Stonehouse attacks his kit in a style that has to be seen to be believed (any description would only trivialize it), all the while screaming as if he were passing kidney stones. Guitarist Roddy thrashes away with kinetic and spastic riffs that would make Greg Ginn proud. Influenced by the likes of Flipper, The Scientists, Electric Eels, Japanese noise bands, power tools and pro wrestling, the "music" of The Hospitals is not for the squeamish or feint of heart or eardrum. Brevity is the order of the day here, because, really, how long does one need for the aural equivalent of a knife assault? Seriously