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C’era grande attesa per il ritorno discografico degli Stems, la più grande formazione garage/power pop australiana degli anni ’80, dopo che il quartetto di Perth aveva rimesso insieme il proprio glorioso marchio per una serie di fortunati tour in madrepatria e in Europa.

The Stems will reunite for the 30th anniversary of their debut album ‘At First Sight Violets Are Blue’ and perform the entire album.


The Stems formed in Perth in 1983. ‘At First Sight, Violets Are Blue’ was released by Mushroom Records in August 1987 and was certified Gold for sales of 35,000. The title track was also featured in the movie ‘Young Einstein’.

The success of the very first album led to division within the band and The Stems split just before heading out on a six-week European tour.

Original members Dom Mariani, Julian Matthews and Dave Shaw will be joined by Ashley Naylor (Even / RocKwiz OrKestra) and Davey Lane (You Am I) to gather to perform the album in full across Australia in November.

THE STEMS è presentato in Italia da OTIS TOURS

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