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The Wonder Years’ highly-anticipated new album 'Sister Cities' was written while the band traversed the globe during a year that was marred by divisiveness. The record ruminates on the idea that all humans feel and connect in the same ways, a message that’s on full display in their earth-shattering new song “Pyramids of Salt”.

“'Pyramids of Salt' is a song about knowing there’s nothing you can do” explains vocalist Dan Campbell “It centers around the universal feeling of being powerless, of knowing that no matter how much you love someone, that a day is going to come when you can’t heal them, where you can’t keep them safe”.

Nearly three years since the release of their highest-charting album (No Closer To Heaven, 2015, #12 on the Billboard Top 200), The Wonder Years return with 'Sister Cities', their forthcoming LP and most transformative work to date. Recorded at Sunset Sound with Joe Chiccarelli (Manchester Orchestra, The Shins, Spoon) and Carlos de la Garza (Jimmy Eat World, Paramore), 'Sister Cities' is an album about distance, connectivity and the way humanity towers above boundaries.

THE WONDER YEARS è presentato in Italia da HUB MUSIC FACTORY

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