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"These are our FINAL CONCLUSIONS, we will: Destroy the cult of the past, the obsession with the ancients, pedantry and academic formalism. Totally invalidate all kinds of imitation. Elevate all attempts at originality, however daring, however violent. Bear bravely and proudly the smear of ’madness’ with which they try to gag all innovators. Regard art critics as useless and dangerous. Rebel against the tyranny of words: ’Harmony’ and ’good taste’ and other loose expressions which can be used to destroy the works of Rembrandt, Goya, Rodin... Sweep the whole field of art clean of all themes and subjects which have been used in the past. Support and glory in our day-to-day world, a world which is going to be continually and splendidly transformed by victorious Science. The dead shall be buried in the earth’s deepest bowels! The threshold of the future will be swept free of mummies! Make room for youth, for violence, for daring!"

ULTERIOR è presentato in Italia da NEW LIFE PROMO

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