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Northside Festival

NorthSide er 3 dage med internationale og danske navne i området Ådalen i Aarhus. NorthSide udvikles i samarbejde med publikum og bygger på kerneværdierne musik, bæredygtighed og innovation.

Navne offentliggjort til #NS17

Run The Jewels

Der tages forbehold for eventuelle ændringer i programmet.

NorthSide 2017 finder sted i Aarhus i dagene 9.-11. juni.

Billetsalg af partoutbilletter, endagsbilletter og VIP-billetter er startet. Mere info om billetter og generel info om festivalen kan findes på 

Vi forbeholder os retten til at slette indlæg der: 
- ikke overholder debattens gode tone
- omhandler køb eller salg af billetter
- indeholder reklamer


NorthSide is three days with international and danish artists in the area Ådalen in Aarhus. NorthSide is developed in close cooporation with the audience and is based on the core values music, sustainability and innovation.

Artists announced to #NS17:

Run The Jewels

We reserve the right to make changes in the program.

NorthSide 2017 takes place in Aarhus in the days 9th-11th of June.

Ticket sales have started. More info about tickets and generel info about the festival can be found at 

We reserve the right to delete posts that (which): 
- do not comply with the civil tone of the debate 
- concerns purchase or sale of tickets 
- contains advertisement

Altre informazioni

Dal 09/06/17 al 11/06/17



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