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Tutte le informazioni, gli eventi e i concerti di abbazia di sant'emiliano in congiuntoli a Scheggia e Pascelupo (Perugia)

Abbazia di Sant'Emiliano in Congiuntoli
Scheggia e Pascelupo (Perugia)

Hi friends,
a lot of good news concerning ATARAXIA’s activities.

We are sorry if you receive this email two or more times but we have lost all our contacts and we are trying to put together our malining list again,
if you do not want to receive our up-dates anylonger, please write "unsunscribe me" to   many thanks!

First of all let’s speak of re-issues and forthcoming new albums!
In a short while , the re-issue of our third and last demotape ARAZZI (dated 1993) will be out for Twilight Records. We have chosen not to change
the original sound keeping the early 90ies rough and instinctive spirit. We have included a bonus track, "L'ultimo Arazzo",  that had to be part
of the original 1993 release but, being not satisfied with the original version, we re-recorded it in 2017 with the participation of Riccardo Spaggiari on drums.
If you are interested in pre-ordering it, please write to
The price is 15 euro + postal charges, the format is digipack
Please, inform us about the postal charges you prefer (priority / registered) and the country you are from
There are still a very few copies of Prophetia Limited edition available (2 CDs in cartoon book with de-luxe booklet), in case you are interested in it do
not hesitate to write us.
More news on   discography and news page

ATARAXIA has started recording the forthcoming new album SYNCHRONICITY EMBRACED that will be released in September 2018 by Sleaszy Rider Records.
This album will complete the quadrilogy started in 2014 with Wind at Mount Elo.
The new album will explore new frequencies, the instruments will be tuned differently and the main theme will be linked to the concept of the Infinite
(we will record 8 long suites) during an alchemic journey (physical and metaphysical) from nigredo (the black), through rubedo (the red) till albedo
(the whitest white). Disintegration, death, new birth and renewal on a different emotional, spiritual and physical frequency/level.
All the lyrics and writings have been written by Francesca with a specific harmonic progression.
The album will feature gongs, harmonic tibetan bells, tubolar bells and more instruments.
Totem Bara, with his cello, will honour us with his presence as well.
More news in the next months via our facebook page and our seasonal newsletter.


February the 17th, Carpi (Modena), Mattatoio Culture Club with LILI REFRAIN
May the 26th, Scheggia Pascelupo (Perugia), Abbazia di Sant Emiliano in Congiuntoli with the partecipation of Mara Monti and Patrizia Neva playing gongs and tibetan bells – SPECIAL SEMI-ACOUSTIC CONCERT with selected songs in theme with the venue

For the French friends : in July 2018 ATARAXIA will play a very special performance in Clisson (Nantes) in a  beautiful venue! More news soon!

All the info about the concerts can be found on the band’s official website : concerts page

Tutti gli eventi per abbazia di sant'emiliano in congiuntoli

Nessun evento presente

Altri locali vicino Scheggia e Pascelupo (Perugia), Umbria