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Live Club

Tutte le informazioni, gli eventi e i concerti di exeter cavern a Exeter (Devon)

Exeter Cavern
83-84 Queen St
Exeter (Devon)



Exeter Cavern•83-84 Queen St•UK

Thu 13 April STEVE IGNORANT'S SLICE OF LIFE IN THE PHOENIX AUDITORIUM.STEVE IGNORANT is a singer/songwriter and artist. He co-founded the anarcho-punk band Crass with Penny Rimbaud in 1977. "Slice Of Life's music is up-front and soul-baringly personal. It's a mixture of songs and spoken word that draws you in and stays with you long after the final note has been played." Plus SI & SNIFF (stand up poetry) + VIRUS Anarcho punk rock band from Gillingham + 51st STATE are an anarcho-punk 2 piece, just drums and bass and a rant at the mike. you don't need the rest of the crap just the noise and energy! DOORS 7.30-LATE • 16+ SHOW • £8 ADV BUY HERE


Wed 19 April NO SIN EVADES HIS GAZE (METAL) Heavy groove/tech/metal from the UK in the vein of The Human Abstract and heart of aCoward.  Plus KADINJA, a tech-prog metal band from Paris who's New lp Ascendancy has drawn comparisons to bands like Monuments and SiKth. DOORS 7-1 • 16+ SHOW • £6 BUY HERE


Mon 24 April STRIKE ANYWHERE + BEARTRADE + PETROL GIRLS AT EXETER UNIVERSITY LEMONGROVE Strike Anywhere hail from Richmond, VA. and play staunchly political punk rock in the vein of Avail and 7 Seconds. They've released LPs on Jade Tree, No Idea, Fat Wreck and Bridge Nine, and have played many times at The Cavern and Lemmy. Support from Petrol Girls and Bear Trade, two of the UKs finest punk bands!. DOORS 8-11 • 16+ SHOW • £12 ADV BUY HERE


Sun 7 May SHAME + GUESTS AT EXETER PHOENIX South London 5-piece SHAME gained their rep as one of the UK's best live bands supporting the likes of Fat White Family. Their debut single 'The Lick' received a lots of praise in the music press - we think they're one of those bands that you'll be watching play large venues in a couple of years time, so dont miss out! Last seen in Exeter supporting SLAVES. DOORS 7.30-11 • 16+ SHOW • £6 ADV BUY HERE


Wed 24 May JEFF ROSENSTOCK & DOE Jeff Rosenstock is a musician from Brooklyn via Long Island who has sang and written songs for Bomb the Music Industry! and played in bands like Laura Stevenson and the Cans, Andrew Jackson Jihad and Mustard Plug. Look out for Jeff's new album WORRY and the singles 'WaveGoodnighttoMe' and 'Blast Damage Days. Support from DOE, an Indie-punk band from London. Their debut album 'Some Things Last Longer than You' is out now on Specialist Subject Records and Old Flame Records. DOORS 8-late £8 Adv £10 door DOORS 8 • 16+ SHOW • £10 ADV BUY HERE



Thu 25 May SHARKMUFFIN + THE FRANKLYS SHARKMUFIN is Tarra Thiessen and Natalie Kirch, a duo of Brooklynite sirens bred from the waves of the Jersey shore. Influenced by everyone from Nirvana to The Ronettes, Sharkmuffin adds a unique jagged edge onto ‘60s beach pop meets ‘90s alt sound, a genre lovingly dubbed “opti-mystic glam-grunge.” THE FRANKLYS Comprised of two members from Sweden and two from England, The Franklys play frenetic garage rock with heavy and psychedelic overtones á la Led Zeppelin-Blondie-Strokes-QOTSA-punk-pop-rock-madness. "All-girl garage group The Franklys come on with a smattering of Hives gusto." -NME PLUS PUNK DJs AFTER THE BANDS. DOORS 8 • 16+ SHOW • £5 ADV BUY HERE

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