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Live Club

Tutte le informazioni, gli eventi e i concerti di the bridge inn a Topsham (Devon)

The Bridge Inn
Bridge Hill
Topsham (Devon)



The Bridge Inn•Bridge Hill•Topsham•UK

Latest news...

For latest news, including current beers, subscribe to our group on Facebook


We are now on Google Maps, just enter "Bridge Inn, Topsham, Exeter" and the wonders of the twenty first Century will be revealed.

In addition, there has been a large amount of interest in the visit by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, and on this page you will find a more complete write-up of the events both leading up to and the day itself.


For accommodation, we have Exbourne, a period bungalow and No. 4, a three-storey 1700s semi detached property, which are now available for holiday lets.
Click for a downloadable pdf information sheet and booking form for Exbourne.
Click for a downloadable pdf information sheet for No. 4.

For more information, see our holiday let page, here


To contact us, email here
Alternatively, you can write to:
The Bridge Inn, Topsham, Exeter, Devon, EX3 0QQ, UK
or phone us on 01392 873862
Find more about the town of Topsham at


Bridge beerlists now on Facebook

To keep up to date with what is going on at The Bridge, and to find if your favourite beer is on, we now have a Facebook page, set up by John Willis. If you go to the site and click "Like", you will thenceforth automatically receive notification whenever we update it.


Evening meals reach The Bridge!

Chunk pork pie served cold with homemade coleslaw and English mustard.
The perfect accompaniment for a pint, served lunchtimes and 6-8.30pm only, my dear...


We now sell Salcombe Dairy Ice Cream
and Chunks Veggie pasties and Pork Pies.



Tutti gli eventi per the bridge inn

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Altri locali vicino Topsham (Devon), Devon