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Live Club

Tutte le informazioni, gli eventi e i concerti di the old hairdressers a Glasgow (Glasgow City)

The Old Hairdressers
20 - 28 Renfield Lane
Glasgow (Glasgow City)


  • +44 141 248 9558


The Old Hairdressers•20 - 28 Renfield Lane•Glasgow•UK

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Historically Fucked, Bad Aura, VIDIV, Tarantula

Gio 20:00 UTC · 24 partecipanti

The Old Hairdressers

Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom

Mi interessa



Guttersnipe, Smack Wizards

Gio 20:00 UTC · 26 partecipanti

The Old Hairdressers

Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom

Mi interessa

Tutti gli eventi per the old hairdressers

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Altri locali vicino Glasgow (Glasgow City), Glasgow City